
Game Overview

Welcome to Casters, an immersive fantasy Trading Card Game where two players engage in strategic combat. Victory is achieved through masterful summoning of minions, tactical spell casting, and skillful prediction of your opponent's moves.

Card Structure

Card Structure

Level: Used for Sacrificing/Discarding.

Cost: What is required to cast or play the card.

Effect: Card's special abilities.

Attack/Health: Combat stats for Minions.

Class: Is defined by the color of the card.

Card Types

Minion Card


Summons a minion with Attack and Health stats and a unique effect.

Spell Card


Unleashes powerful one-time effects and is moved to the Graveyard (GY) after use.

Stage Card


Represents your hero's health (each equals 5 health) and limits the number of cards you can set.

Game Board

The game board features several distinct zones:

Main Deck: Your 30-card deck (only Minions and Spells).

Stage Deck: A deck of 5 Stage cards, representing 25 total health.

Graveyard (GY) (GY): Where discarded and destroyed cards go.

Coin: Determines initiative - first player gets 1 coin, second gets 2.

Game Board

Before the Game

Prior to starting, players must complete a few setup steps:

  • Decide Initiative: Flip a coin. The player with the first initiative holds one coin while the other gets two.
  • Shuffle & Reveal Stage Card: Each player shuffles their decks and reveals one card from their Stage deck.
  • Draw 5 Cards: Begin with 5 cards drawn from your Main deck.
Before the Game

Turn Cycle

Draw Phase

At the start of your turn, draw one card from your Main deck and untap all cards.

Set Phase

Each player sets a number of cards face-down equal to the total number of Stage cards on the board (including yours and opponent's).

Set Phase

Reveal Phase

Starting with the player holding first initiative, each player reveals one facedown card at a time and chooses one of two options:

Option 1: Play the revealed card by paying its cost.

Play Card (Rules41)

Option 2: Send the card to your Graveyard (GY) and draw 2 new cards.

Discard for Draw (Rules43)
Important: When multiple cards activate simultaneously, the player with first initiative resolves all effects first, followed by the second player.
Note: If a card is activated while another has "When a card activates...", it may trigger in response on the stack regardless of initiative. When no abilities are activated, the stack resolves in last-to-first order.

Battle Phase

The player with initiative may choose to attack. They can:

  • Attack your opponent's Hero (by targeting their Stage deck). The opponent may tap any of their untapped minions to block (they choose the order).
  • Attack an opponent's tapped minion.
  • Or skip the attack.

Next, the other Player can attack in the same way. If both Players skip, the Battle Phase ends.

Battle Phase (Rules5)
Important: Damage dealt to minions and Stages is restored at the end of turn. (Stage cards are not restored.)
Note: When attacking Hero, if more damage dealt than the total Health of blocking minions, the rest of the damage is dealt to the enemy Hero.

End of Turn

At the end of the turn, the player with two coins passes one coin to the opponent to change the initiative, and the turn ends.

Win Condition

The game is won when a player loses all their Health cards.

Keyword Explanations

Search: Search your deck for a specific card, reveal it, and add it to your hand.
Sacrifice: Send a card from the field to your Graveyard (GY) to pay a cost or trigger an effect.
Negate: Cancel or nullify another card's effect.
Death: When a minion is sent from the field to the Graveyard (GY).
Shield: A card from the top of your deck is placed face-down under another card. When the minion would take damage, this shield is removed and returned to the top of your deck.
Equip: Attach a card to a minion to apply the effects. When equipping a minion, both stats and effects are enhanced; with spells, only the "Equip:" effect applies.
Double Strike: The first time a minion attacks, it untaps, allowing for a potential second attack.

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